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Better Work Bitch!

Nov 23, 2020

We discuss the history and origins of Rootwork and the diffferences between Voodoo and Hoodoo with Inner Traditions Published Author Tayannah Lee McQuillar. I share my experience with her ancestor reading services that really left me feeling inspired and ready to tackle more ancestral healing.

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Nov 20, 2020

I give quick insight into the numerology of 2021 and how it will likely influence the collective. We will go from desiring something that seemed unattainable in (what 2020 feels like), to realizing it is possible in 2021! The Freedom we have been seeking is a timeline we can create. I also share my recommended crystal...

Nov 6, 2020

*Curandera Erika Buenaflor has been previously featured on Better Work Bitch! Podcast in Season 4 Episode 3.

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