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Better Work Bitch!

Jan 24, 2020

Our fiery Leo sister, Lacey Conine, also known as: The Hype Priestess, joins us in this episode to have a witchy talk around her success as a business owner and entrepreneur. Recorded during the Aqua New Moon portal and we were both feeling the quirky energy of the air sign. Expect this conversation to flow from topics...

Jan 17, 2020

First guest of season 5 is a recovering procrastinator, intuitive-empath, podcaster and creator of The Power Sisters method, Pam Covarrubias of Cafe Con Pam Podcast. 

We discuss life as a millennial empath in today's society and how we navigate filtering what is our emotions from the emotions of others that we take on....

Jan 12, 2020

Major showdowns going on in the cosmos, and it's time for you to understand what it all means. Want to know how the Eclipses affect you? Heard about Capricorn conjunct Pluto? You know Uranus went Direct, but no idea wtf that means? It's all happening to help us either prevent WW3 or trigger it. The 2020's will go down...