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Better Work Bitch!

May 29, 2019

Recorded with Integrity, Respect and Love.

Protect Your Magic & Spiritual DNA At All Costs. 

Share with good intent until you can no more. 


May 18, 2019

Why do witches/brujxas deal with unwelcomed negative stigma around their spiritual association? As much as we believe pop culture and mainstream society is welcoming of brujxs there still lies a thin veil of perception that anyone who identifies as a witch could be evil or it's not spirituality. Valeria @themexicanwitch...

May 10, 2019

I discuss heart chakra medicine - the key to living in 5D and working past our subconscious patterns.

It's time to heal and ascend. Our spiritual journey is our own responsibility. The Shift of Earth & Universal Energy has made its way to 5D. And so will you!