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Better Work Bitch!

Aug 30, 2019

Erika Buenaflor is passionate about helping people to realize and live their bliss. She has over 20 years of practicing as a curandera, mentoring with curanderx and shamans in the Maya Yucatecan jungle, Peru and L.A. and studying Mesoamerican Curanderismo in academia. She has a master's degree in religious studies with a focus on Mesoamerican shamanism and curanderismo. She has written Cleansing Rites of Curanderismo, Curanderismo Soul Retrieval, and Sacred Energies of the Sun and Moon (releases July 2020). 

She utilizes her vast experience in curanderismo, and knowledge of ancient Mesoamerican shamanism to reveal how this sacred wisdom can help people heal in very practical ways, and inspire them to create an ideal life for themselves. Find out more